What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial tooth that acts like a natural one. It’s a long-term solution to replace one or more missing teeth. A dental implant replaces the entire tooth, from root to crown, and offers important benefits, like increased stability, durability, and aesthetics.

The “root” of a dental implant is a small, post-like device made from titanium or titanium zirconium. It is inserted into the jaw bone in place of a missing tooth root, and acts as a support for an artificial tooth crown.

What is the difference between a conventional bridge vs a dental implant?

With conventional crown and bridge treatment, healthy neighboring teeth must be ground down in order to support a bridge. This results in the loss of the natural tooth surface. Furthermore, the bridge does not transmit chewing forces to the jaw bone, so bone deterioration may also occur.

A dental implant replaces the root of the original tooth, while the neighboring teeth remain intact without having to be ground down.

Latest Technology

Your dental implants will be planned using the most advanced CAD software. Did you know that nearly all people are candidates for dental implants? Why put up with dentures when you can have teeth?  

As a matter of fact, For patients who have lost all of their natural teeth, 4-6 dental implants per arch are enough to hold in permanent teeth. This is sometimes referred to as “All on 4”.


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A Proven, Reliable, and Modern Approach

Dental implant therapy is a well-proven, state-of-the-art medical dental technique. For decades, dental implants have been tested and used worldwide by qualified dentists and surgeons. Today, implants offer the possibility to treat almost every indication of missing teeth. According to the results of a survey carried out in Germany, 98% of patients indicated their satisfaction level with their dental implants was “good” or “very good.”1

Dr. Barona will recommend a specific procedure depending on your individual needs. This will be discussed extensively during the planning stage of your treatment. To learn more about implants, contact our office to book a consultation.

1 Reigl Study results of 2009, Germany, with more than 10,000 patients.