Day of your surgery

  1. Rinsing vigorously or swishing on the first day is not recommended.
  2. Drinking from a straw on the first day is discouraged as it may create suction that can cause bleeding in the mouth.
  3. Physical activity should be kept to a minimum 2-3 days after your surgery. Strenuous activity may increase swelling.  You may resume normal activities the day after your procedure.
  4. Slight discomfort is to be expected following any surgical procedure but should improve after the first 12-24 hours. Please take medications as prescribed. 
  5. Slight bleeding usually occurs for a few hours following surgery. It is normal that you may notice slight blood in your saliva and it may seem like more bleeding than is actually taking place.  In case of excessive or persistent bleeding, press a moistened gauze or tea bag firmly over the surgical site in the bleeding area for fifteen minutes, stop and check. If the bleeding persists, apply pressure again. Do not rinse, as this will only increase the bleeding. If the bleeding persists heavily after twenty minutes, please call the office.
  6. Slight swelling is normal after most surgical procedures. In order to minimize the swelling, we recommend the immediate application of cold (an ice pack wrapped in a towel) gently pressed to the outside of the face over the operated area, 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, for a period of up to 3 hours.
  7. Periodontal dressings are a pink-chewing gum-like material that is occasionally placed around the teeth to protect the surgical area and provide comfort.  Let the dressing harden for 2-3 hours before eating anything. It is normal for small particles or even the entire dressing to come off in the days following surgery.  If this happens and your mouth feels comfortable, it is perfectly safe to wait until your next follow-up visit.  However, if the area has discomfort or it is difficult to eat without the dressing, please call our office regarding the replacement of the dressing.
  8. Eat what feels comfortable but be cautious to avoid hot foods and liquids while you are still numb.  It is advisable to try to eat cold foods for the first day to aid with reducing swelling and discomfort. Avoid hot liquids for the first 2 days. During the healing period stay well hydrated.  After the first day, solid foods should be added as soon as they can be chewed comfortably but avoid heavy pressure chewing on the surgical area.

Starting the day after your surgery

  1. Oral hygiene procedures should be continued in all sites not involved in the surgery.  Do not brush or floss in the surgical area for one week.  If regeneration surgery or gum grafting was done do not floss the surgical site for a month. 
  2. Rinse with Chlorhexidine twice a day for 1 week.  Then for the following week, swab lightly with gauze saturated with chlorhexidine at the surgical area around the gum twice a day
  3. Warm salt water rinses (one teaspoon in a glass of water) can be used if there is soreness. Rinsing with salt water can make the area feel better
  4. A post-operative visit will be scheduled 14 days after the surgery. At this time, the sutures will be removed, if necessary. Most often there is no discomfort associated during the visit. Usually, dissolvable sutures are used and will be gone by the post-op visit.
  5. Please call the office if you experience prolonged or severe pain, severe swelling or bleeding, fever, or any adverse reactions to the medications, such as a rash, shortness of breath, nausea, or if anything else causes excessive discomfort or worry.